CHC’s Dr. Tichianaa Armah OpEd Details Psychological Impact of Racism on Youth

CHC’s Dr. Tichianaa Armah OpEd Details Psychological Impact of Racism on Youth
March 15, 2024

An Op-Ed written by CHC Chief Psychiatry Officer Dr. Tichianaa Armah examines the psychological impact of racism inside school walls.

“We all know we are in the midst of a mental health crisis. However, the research tells a lopsided story for the youngest among us. We cannot take what these Black children are experiencing lightly. Severe depression in Black children ages 5-12 results in suicide rates nearly double that of their white peers.,” Dr. Armah writes. She documents the severity of the problem–statistically and anecdotally–and advocates support for S.B 327, An Act Establishing A Task Force to Study The Effects Of Hate Speech On Children’s Health and Achievement.

Read the full piece published by Hearst Media Services Connecticut and in print in the March 15, 2024, edition of the Stamford Advocate.

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